Wednesday 12 March 2014

History of Blogging

       Mcquarrie, Miller and Phillips (2013) situate fashion blogging as one instance of a larger phenomenon that includes online reviews and user-generated content and extends to the various forms of different themes: lifestyle, clothing, accessories, food, home décor, makeover and fashion technologies as well. It is a quite delicate position in terms of tech-fashion first blog’s identification, but it is clearly not as long-lived as a pure fashion. At any rate, there are a lot of representatives in fashion and technology who are writing their blogs on this specific theme. In this case, I picked three fashion-tech bloggers who are well-versed in this sphere and already have some history to share.


  • First of all, Alison Lewis is a designer who is passionate about fashion, beauty and the digital lifestyle. Moreover, Alison has her own website ( which is a technology life & style blog. It shows an innovative design ideas, fashion trends and topics from a female perspective. Switch is not just another tech blog about digital design, but rather a social look at technology through the genres of fashion, beauty, design and craft. It contains interviews with designers from the beauty, fashion, and craft industries, DIY projects for making your own technological creations, and links to articles in popular culture that relate to the needs and desires of women. Each post is designed to enlighten and inspire viewers to take a new look at the world around them and see where technology fits into their lives. The very first post was written in 2007 with the award winning fashion designer’s interview. Continuing with the whole idea, Alison still posts different types of themes and makes it with a modern manner. Accordingly this attracts viewers to read and follow the most interesting facts about technological fashion.

  • Another person is Syuzi Pakhchyan who is an experienced designer and an interesting blogger whose work investigates the intersection between code, cloth and culture. Her design and research interests include wearable technologies, physical and soft computing, and interactive textile design. Her first blogging post was written in 2009 and named as “Photosensing Knit Safety Wearable” in her weblog ( She is strongly focused on textiles and their technological improvements, so that is why people are interested in her professional blogging.
Source: Solar Coat and Dress

  • The third blogger is Rosie Khdir – a digital journalist with a love for fashion. She decided to combine her passion for filling her wardrobe and knowledge of the gadget world to create Fashionology ( She has created her views union of these two subjects that are the true embodiment of a modern geek chic”. The very first post has begun in 2010 with these author’s words: “Welcome to the Fashionology, the site that will keep you updated on the world of fashion and its techie antics!” Rosie Khdir is focused on tech-fashion accessories and presents it in the most up-to-date manner.

       In conclusion it is worth to mention that fashion and technology are spreading as quickly as a flash into the blogs and our lives. This evolution is making the world as a constantly surprising place, where every moment meets the digital future.

Sources: Journal of Consumer Research, IheartSwitch, FashioningTech, Fashionology.

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